Event Details
VIP Breakfast Meeting ~ Topic: “Benefit Design in the Post-ACA Environment.”
Date: | March 26, 2014, 7:30am – 9:00am |
Organizer: | Virginia Business Coalition on Health |
Location: | Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, VA |
Price: | Free |
Event Type: | Meeting |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
Dear RVSHRM Members:
You are invited to attend a VIP breakfast the Virginia Business Coalition on Health is hosting at the Hotel Roanoke on March 26th.
Our organization is Virginia’s leading business coalition on workforce health and wellness and we are hosting Dr. Randy Vogenberg, one of the USA’s top experts on the best ways to do business (and save $$) in the era of the Affordable Care Act. This is not a medical or clinical event…it’s Dr. Vogenberg sharing his insights on the things senior business leaders need to know about ACA,…and from the business perspective…not government.
I am inviting presidents/owners and their HR executives. It’s a buffet breakfast with doors opening at 7:30am …event runs to 9am. It should be a great event for all who attend, and it’s free (sponsored by Merck & Co.).
Seating is limited to fifty guests, and advance registration is required, so I hope to hear from attendees as soon as possible. Please let our administrator know by visiting www.myvbch.org and register through the event link. Additional detailed information is available on the events link on this website.