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Monthly Meeting Payment Options

    Pay now for the monthly meeting!

    Cost for Monthly meeting is as follows.

    Members: $25  - Please note - you must be an active member with National SHRM & Roanoke Valley SHRM to qualify for the member rate.

    Members: $225 - for all seven meetings and the half day seminar in August. 

    Non members: $30  - For all guests attending that have not joined the chapter.

    Student Chapter: $10 - For students that are currently members of RVSHRM Student Chapter


    Refunds will not be granted if cancellation is not received at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting date.  Send all cancellations requests via email to  Substitutions are allowed, however the non-member rate may apply. 

    If we do not receive a cancellation notice more than 24 hours before the event, you will be required to pay for this event, even if you are unable to attend.