January ASTD Meeting
The next ASTD meeting will be held on Friday January 18th, 2013 at 11:30am at the Higher Ed Center. Register for the meeting on the ASTD Homepage by Wednesday, January 16th, 2013.
Don't forget to check out the information on other association meetings or community events at the bottom of this email.
January Program: Teachback Workshop - "Designing Learning"
Presented by: Malcolm Miles, JH Miles and Associates, Inc.
Let's work on designing fantastic learning modules together!
Periodically, Valleys of VA ASTD chapter offers members the opportunity to share what they have learned after attending ASTD events with the chapter. Recently, Malcolm L. Miles attended the comprehensive 3-day ASTD Designing Learning Certificate Program in Alexandria, and he will bring some of the key lessons back to the chapter in what he is calling Teachback Workshop.
In this interactive session, Malcolm will present select portions of the course and then open the floor for attendees to discuss how these tools could be applied in their workplaces or what might impede the use of the techniques. With the wide range of the expertise that our chapter members have, the discussions promise to offer everyone something of value.
- ADDIE model for Instructional System Design
- ROPES model for Instructional System Design
- Tips & Tricks for creating and using superior visual aids
- Tips & Tricks for creating participant guides, facilitator guides, and supporting materials
To benefit the most from this program,
- Be open to sharing your processes for designing learning.
- Come with any challenges you face when designing new or revamping existing training modules.
- Come prepared to be fully engaged in the discussion.
From the official ASTD description of the Designing Learning Certificate Program:
The workshop follows a human performance improvement approach to instructional design and includes practice in performance analysis, needs assessment, job/task analysis, and course design using templates exclusive to ASTD. The content is based on the key actions and knowledge defined by the ASTD Competency Model for designing learning.
Participants leave knowing how to design a complete program including participant guides, instructor guides, and other materials that directly correlate to the organization's business goals. In addition, participants will apply what they learn during the program, concluding with designing a training program based on a case study presented throughout the workshop.
Malcolm L. Miles is a training and development specialist with JH Miles & Associates, Inc. of Fairfax, VA. He provides training and coaching to clients in the areas of leadership, change management, presentation techniques and facilitation skills. Additional bio information for Malcolm can be found on the ASTD website at http://www.roanoke.astd.org
We look forward to seeing you at the January meeting!
Lillie Stevens, VP Communications
Roanoke Valley Society for Human Resources Management (RVSHRM) monthly meeting - January 22, 2013 - Holiday Inn Valley View. Todd Leeson, the VA State SHRM Legislative Director, will present on What Does an Obama Reelection Mean for Employers in 2013? For more information go to the RVSHRM website at http://rvshrm.shrm.org/events
Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce Business Before Hours. Networking and breakfast with fellow Chamber members. Thursday, January 17, 2013 - 7:30-9:00am - Goodwill Jobs Campus located at 2502 Melrose Ave., NW, Roanoke, VA. To register visit http://roanokechamber.chambermaster.com/events/details/business-before-hours-1-17-13-932 $10/Chamber members only.
Management Seminars – Dabney Lancaster Community College – Greenfield Center – Daleville – Instructor – Charlotte Mason Classes submitted for HRCI credit approval, and approval expected by class date. February 14, 2013 – Boosting Employee Motivation and Morale; February 28, 2013 – Interviewing Skills; March 14 – Coaching Skills; March 28 – Performance Evaluations; April 11 – Employee Discipline & Documentation. For class descriptions and registration go to http://www.dslcc.edu/PRESIDENT/continuing_ed/CEWSprograms/noncredit/SupervisorySkillsBusinessSeminars.htm Click here
Quarterly ASTD training in Alexandria. For more information to to http://www.astd.org/Education/Programs?filter=ed_location%3aVirginia#
Chapter Code: If you attend an ASTD seminar or conference or purchase a book from ASTD, please remember to use our Chapter Code: CH4108. By using this code, our chapter will earn money from National ASTD.