Event Details
Date: | June 23, 2015, 11:30am – 1:30pm |
Organizer: | RV SHRM |
Location: | Holiday Inn - Valley View ~ Roanoke, VA |
Price: | $20 Member / $25 Guest |
Event Type: | Meeting |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
Discussion includes diversity as it relates to Generational, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Cultural competence, Veterans, Diversity of Thought
Summary of Learning:
- Why is this important? The changing landscape of the workplace and marketplace. Do we really need to talk about sexual orientation at work? Includes an interactive exercise
- Basic definitions around sexual orientation and gender identity / expression
- The many areas of LGBT inclusiveness that companies can be active in
- Details of the “20 steps (programs) to LGBT workplace inclusion” (optional if time allows or could be a separate follow on workshop to the intro to LGBT diversity)
- How to interact in a respectful manner with LGBT people… terms and words to use, etc. “The five things to never say to LGBT people”
- LGBT culture and history in the US
- Global issues around LGBT – if is different all over the world
Stan C. Kimer is recognized as an internal/external consultant with unique skills in employee development/career mapping/mentoring, workplace diversity (specialization in LGBT – Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Transgender), and organization effectiveness/project management. While at IBM, Stan served for four years as IBM’s global corporate LGBT Diversity Manager on IBM’s Diversity Staff. And later as the Director of Global Sales Operations for IBM’s Consulting Practice, he served as the executive sponsor overseeing career development for IBM’s 3,000 Sales Operations employees. He has now executed his unique innovative career mapping approach which he launched at IBM, with clients ranging from major corporations to church denominations to professional organizations. And with his high energy, strong communications skills and sense of humor, he is frequently invited to speak or conduct workshops on diversity and leadership development.
Now as a consultant, Stan is a certified Out and Equal Workplace Advocates Building Bridges Trainer and a TMC (Training Management Corporation) / Berlitz Cultural Trainer - Practitioner. He is active in leadership roles in dozens of community and civic organizations including as Immediate Past President of the North Carolina Council of Churches and is a National SHRM member as well as two local chapters in North Carolina. In 2013, the Triangle Business Journal recognized Stan with one of their “Leaders in Diversity – role model” awards. Stan received his MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business and BS in Management Science from Georgia Tech.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds will not be granted if cancellation is not received at least 24 hours in advance. Send all cancellation notices via e-mail to rkevalshrm@gmail.com. Substitutions are allowed, however the non-member rate may apply. If we do not receive a cancellation notice more than 24 hours before the event, you will be required to pay for this event, even if you are unable to attend.