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Volunteer Interest Form

    Click here to fill out the Volunteer Interest Form

    Do you have interest in serving as a volunteer for RVSHRM? Do you know someone that is interested in serving on the Board or on one of our committees? We have several positions available and are looking for passionate HR Professionals to serve the members of the Roanoke Valley SHRM as a member of the board. If you would like to serve a committee we are also always looking for support. A current list of available board positions are listed on the attached interest form. If you would like a description of any of the open board positions or committee responsibilities please request via email to Please complete the attached interest form for yourself, or someone you would like to nominate and submit it to by October 18th.
    Our chapter is strong because of our members who are active and volunteer. Please consider not only what you can give to the chapter, but the many experiences and relationships you will gain by becoming involved.